Responsibility of the HR representative and line supervisor in an induction programme;
Figure 2: Orientation (or) induction and
Placement in human resource management
Introduction to the company and work area
Person Responsible – Line Manager
- Mission, Vision, Objectives of the work
- How the work area fits into the whole company.
- All key operational and social areas to be visited. (e.g. Offices, Line - --Maintenance, Base Maintenance,
The workshop, Stores, Admin & Library)
Introduction to other members of staff
Person Responsible – Line Manager
- - Go
through organization chart
Discuss the roles and responsibilities of staff in general terms.
- May also want to extend the time to allow
visits to key contacts work area.
Introduction to the other teams within the Work area (if appropriate)
Person Responsible – Line Manager
- Purpose/Activities of the other
teams/work areas
- How the team fits into the work area
Terms and Conditions
Person Responsible – Line Manager
- Ensure new recruit has viewed and
understood the New important information on terms and conditions.
Performance Standards
Person Responsible – Line Manager
- Outline specifics of job role – (job
- Define goals, objectives, and
- Review probation and performance and
development review/ ADR/ appraisal process.
Culture of the Work area
Person Responsible – Line Manager/Nominee
- Make new recruit aware of local arrangements regarding hours of work, holiday requests, sickness procedure,
after-hours working, dress code, lunch arrangements, etc.
- Other company procedures e.g. internet
and e-mail usage, and transportation, etc.
Office Systems
Person Responsible – Line Manager/Nominee
- Review processes for using office equipment such as a computer, telephone, printer, photocopier, etc.
- Review processes for using other company equipment/systems such as libraries, open access computers, etc.
- Review computer security, and software usage.
- Consider environmental efficiencies
(waste disposal, energy usage)
Job Specific Training and Development
Person Responsible – Line Manager/Nominee
- Role-specific development needs should be reviewed and a suitable programme of training should be planned that aligns the individual’s skills to their core duties.
- Staff with line management responsibilities should be clear as to their duties and attend any relevant training.
- Outline the use of annual performance and development reviews.
Introduce training and development opportunities available to staff.
Health and Safety
Person Responsible – Health & Safety Coordinator/ Line Manager
- Physical – fire exits, fire alarms, fire
evacuation procedure, fire-training arrangements, manual handling, first-aid
arrangements, VDU usage, and other arrangements as required.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Person Responsible – Line Manager
- The Induction programme must be monitored and reviewed.
Throughout the period regular review meetings should be held and any adjustments made.
See sample templates to support this process: Checklists, Evaluations.
Person Responsible – Line Manager
- For new staff, the
Probation Policy will apply
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